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LCQ638BS-PC+ QSFP-DD ZR+ Digital Coherent Optical Transceiver

400G Multirates Tunable C-band 400km~2000km

The QSFP-DD ZR+ modules are low power consumption multi-rate and interoperable coherent optical transceivers, which can be plugged into various routing, switching, and optical transport host platforms. QSFP-DD ZR+ modules support a total capacity of 25.6Tbit/s through 75 GHz-spaced DWDM within C-band. They are compliant with OpenZR+ MSA technical specifications. Digital diagnostics functions are availa-ble via a TWI interface, as specified by the CMIS. LCQ638BS is built on high performance 7 nm coherent DSP, best in class narrow line-width tunable lasers, and integrated silicon photonic co-herent optical subassembly (COSA). The module supports four lineside data rates including 400G/300G/200G/100G, three modulation formats such as DP-QPSK, DP-8QAM and DP-16QAM. The client signal types supported are 100GbE, 200GbE and 400GbE. QSFP-DD ZR+ modules support multi haul transmission reaches, ranging from a minimum reach of well beyond 200 km at 24 dB typical terrestrial span loss to Ultra Long Haul (ULH) system reach. 

Mechanical dimensions, connectors and footprint of LCV638BS conform to QSFP-DD MSA. The module size is 18.35mm x 93.26mm x 8.5mm and hot pluggable with 76-pin connector. Maximum power consumption of the module is 22W and power supply voltage is +3.3V.

Part Number Package Interface Reach Temp Fiber Type Wavelength Rate Tx Output Rx Input
LCQ638BS-PC+ QSFP-DD LC 400km~2000km C Single-mode C-band 100Gb/S~/400Gb/s -6~-10dBm -12~0dBm

• Extended Reach DCI;

• Metro, Long Haul (LH), Ultra Long Haul (ULH)

• Support DP-QPSK, DP-8QAM, and DP-16QAM Modulation; 

• Compliant to OpenZR+ MSA technical specifications; 

• Interoperable Forward Error Correction (oFEC); 

• 400G/300G/200G/100G selectable line rates; 

• Operating case temperature: 0°C to 70°C; Compact size (18.35mm x 93.26mm x 8.5 mm); 

• LC-Duplex optical receptacle; +3.3V power supply; 

• Hot pluggable to 76-pin electrical connector; 

• Support ethernet-only client traffic such as 100GbE, 200GbE and 400GbE; 

• Conform to existing protocol standards (e.g., IEEE 802.3TM-2018) and operate over standard physical layer interface.


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